Category Archives: Uncategorized

Los Angeles Times: Health hazards of living near freeways and mapping tool

On March 2, the Los Angeles Times ran an important cover story about the health hazards of living near freeways. Here is the article.  Los Angeles Time Living Near Freeways. It also includes an amazing mapping tool that allows you … Continue reading

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Stormwater GOLD STAR to Felicita Vida in the Felicita Creek Watershed

After the rains, we had a chance to visit the Felicita Vida Assisted Living facility on Felicita Road. Take a look at the fantastic and fully functional storm water measures or Best Management Practices that were implemented there. It was … Continue reading

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Time to get Dirty! Join the Watershed Weeders and Seeders, Tuesdays, 9:00 am, Felicita Park

Escondido Neighbors United would like to invite interested persons of all ages to come and help us care of our beautiful Felicita Park!  We will be ‘weeding and seeding’ every Tuesday starting at 9:00 am and will work for a … Continue reading

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More progress on Chatham: Another treatment well is installed

We are happy to report that the ‘Fleet’ well is receiving its treatment system under the Chatham remediation efforts!  This well, located adjacent to Felicita road and south of the Park, has been tested for contamination for several years and … Continue reading

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DTSC releases Community Update on Chatham Barrel Yard contamination

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has issued a year-end update on the contamination in the ground water coming released from the Chatham Barrel Yard in SW Escondido.  Please read it here  DTSC Community Update ENU has been actively … Continue reading

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Some Sweet Year-End News: Owls and Kids

A touching and important story appeared in the Los Angeles Times today.  Worth your time to read. Los Angeles Times Story about owl and classroom It is also an important reminder how connected we are with nature, or can be … Continue reading

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Escondido Climate Plan ranked lowest in the region. Gets a ‘needs improvement’ in Climate Action Campaign Report Card

This week the Climate Action Campaign released its first ever Climate Action Report Card.  Only only 9 of 19 cities in the region have even done a plan.  Of those plans that have been completed, Escondido ranked the lowest earning  a … Continue reading

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We’re Official! Escondido Neighbors United now part of the Environmental Center of San Diego

Dear Friends, Readers, and Supporters, After three years of going it alone, Escondido Neighbors United has decided to take the next step–incorporating. Well, sort of. Our friends at the ECO-San Diego have offered to sponsor us under their incorporation since … Continue reading

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Water Board recommends Felicita Creek for listing as impaired from Chatham wastes

An important action took place for our region last week at the Water Board meeting.  Here’s a little water quality regulation background for some context.  The Federal and famous Clean Water Act that has done so much to protect, preserve, … Continue reading

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Development Nightmares begins: Sewer extension project underway on Felicita Road

We are sorry to report that the infrastructure upgrade to increase development in our area has begun.   This is to notify users of Felicita Road that the Southwest Sewer Replacement Project will result in traffic delays and road work for … Continue reading

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