IMPORTANT Escondido Climate Plan Update WEDNESDAY City Council 4:30 Nov 28

The City Council will hear and update on the Escondido Climate Plan Update.  Please attend if you care about this issue.  Please see the Sierra Club blog for more information here. 

Since it is clear the Escondido will have a new Mayor, Paul McNamara and District 1 Councilmember Consuelo Martinez, this issue should be delayed until they are seated on December 12. 

It will be important to make the following requests:
  1. Given the significant change in leadership in just 2 weeks, the Council should put off any decisions or direction until this issue can be heard by the leaders who will vote on it and will be responsible for implementing it.  The current leaders have made clear that they support ‘the minimum possible’.  Our situation demands much more action than this.
  2. The E-CAP should adopt 100% clean energy as a goal.
  3. The E-CAP should commit to developing a transportation master plan for biking, walking, and transit.
  4. The E-CAP must not rely on out of region mitigation.
  5. The E-CAP must include a social equity element.
  6. The E-CAP must be measurable and enforceable.
The meeting will be held in City Council Chambers at 201 N. Broadway, Escondido City Hall.
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Jewel of Escondido: California Homemades of Escondido, good tasting, good for you, good for the planet

Our most recent ‘Jewel of Escondido’ recognition goes to California Homemades at 138 W. Grand Ave.  California Homemades has many options of delicious lunches and snacks that are fully plant-based.  Here you can have soups, roll-ups, wraps, and lots of other things and protect the climate and animals at the same time.  Plus, eating a more plant-based diet is better for your health.  

So check them out!  Delicious.
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Chatham Waste Site Cleanup Open House, Wednesday, December 12th, 4-8 PM

It is somewhat ironic that the same day that we will install a new Mayor and a new Councilmember,  (who actually care about the environment and public health), DTSC will hold their next public open house about the Chatham Barrel Yard waste site.  Please plan to attend if you can.

Important letters have been filed by local organizations.  Please read these before you attend the meeting.

Escondido Neighbors United
Sierra Club North County Group

You can get background info here: 

Chatham Open House:  Wednesday, December 12, 2018
 Please come and join DTSC at a community meeting to be held Wednesday, December 12, 2018 from 4:00 p.m. to 8 p.m., located at: 
California Center for the Arts Escondido (Theater Lobby) 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, CA 92025

For further information about the upcoming public meeting, and if you require disability meeting access information, please contact the DTSC Project Manager Hossein Nassiri at  (714) 484-5384

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ENU Files letter on Chatham Waste Site–Demands more action

This week Escondido Neighbors filed ENU Comment Letter on Chatham Remedy Review August 2018.  The Public Fact sheet is here and the full 5-year Remedy Review Report is here. 

The letter raises many issues about the lack of progress of the cleanup, the failure to stop contamination from entering Felicita Creek, and the need to add treatment wells to stop further expansion of the plumes, among other issues.

If you are interested, please submit comments to DTSC by Sept 6th.  This is a serious issue for our region and one that needs additional action.

If you are new to this issue, here is some background.

Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has oversight of the remediation
of hazardous waste released to the environment by the Chatham Brothers Barrel
Yard.  As a brief background, members of
the Chatham family owned the property at 2257 Bernardo Ave, Escondido and ran a
hazardous waste processing and collection business for decades. 
the early 1980’s, massive pollution of the site was discovered and the facility
was closed. The Chatham Barrel yard was listed as a state superfund site and emergency
soil removal action was conducted. Additionally, on-site water remediation has
been on-going for over 20 years.
in the intervening decades, the groundwater pollution has spread significantly
and can now be found under Felicita County Park and many area homes.  Further, the contamination is now entering
Felicita Creek in a public area where the public is unwittingly exposed.
spite of over 30 years of remedial action, much of it passive through the
adoption of a passive strategy called ‘natural attenuation’, the cleanup
objectives have not been met.  It is
clear that more proactive measures must be taken.
Neighbors United has filed comments on the
Review.  The requests include that DTSC:
1.      Direct additional
proactive measures to achieve the remedial objectives;
2.      Require additional action
to stop unbated discharges into Felicita Creek;
3.      Require signs at the creek
warning of the presence of pollution in public areas;
4.      Establish and timeline of
performance for meeting the objectives.

More information about this site can be found
here  DTSC Chatham Barrel Yard Link Envirostor 

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Great News! Invasive Palm Trees REMOVED from Felicita Creek- Thank you County of San Diego Parks and Rec

We are so happy to report that the County Parks and Recreation Dept successfully removed all the large palms trees (and most of the small ones) from Felicita Creek!  This is wonderful news.
While palms are an attractive and welcome plant in their own habitat, they do not belong in our near a creek!  When they invade our local riparian streams they are a HUGE problem. The photos below are notable for what you don’t see–large palm trees clogging up the creek and stealing water from the oaks, sycamores, and willows.
Now that these palms are gone, we strongly encourage any landowners in the area to PLEASE remove palm trees (especially washingtonia) from your property.  This can help de-contaminate our creeks and waterways from the invasive presence of palm trees.
Big thanks to the County for this major effort to help and restore our creek!  Stop by the park and check out the new creek landscape. 
And, as always, if you’d like to join the Weeders and Seeders we are pulling weeds, planting natives, caring for our park native habitats every week. Join us!

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North County Group Sierra Club files comment letter on Escondido Climate Action Plan

The NCG of the Sierra Club filed this comment letter with the city of Escondido.  If you are interested in being involved or notified about this process, please email your contact info the Mr. Mike Strong at the city  .

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Great Opportunity to Learn Your Birds! Palomar Audubon Society Annual Birding Class starts April 24th

We are lucky to have
such a great Audubon Chapter in our region.  Palomar Audubon Society is
offering their amazing beginning birding class.  Everyone who has taken it
before love it.  And, you can always repeat too.

See info
Palomar Audubon
 is again offering bird classes on consecutive Tuesday evenings
beginning Tuesday April 24th. The first three classes will be for beginners and
the last three (starting Tuesday May 15th) will be for intermediate birders.
The classes will be integrated for beginners taking both classes. There will be
three Saturday field trips, May 12th, May26th,and June
Classes will start at 6:30 pm and run for 90
minutes. They will be held at the Glassman Recreational Center at 18448 RB
Community Center Drive off West Bernardo Drive (the large Casa De Las Companas
Retirement Home is on the east side of this intersection).
The classes will cover the classification of
birds, field markings of local birds, behavior, vocalization, tracking, and the
different habitats in San Diego County.
Cost for either class is $ 60.00 and the cost
for both is $ 90.00.
The course will be led by Phoenix Von Hendy, a
long-time birding leader in North County and a certified tracker
For questions about the course contact Richard
Fowler at To register
complete the form below and send with check to: Palomar Audubon Society, P.O. Box 2483,
Escondido, Ca. 92033-2483 by April 20th.
You can use the form
below or go to the PAS website to sign up at 
Name(s):___________________________  Phone:______________________________
____ Beginner/novice $60.00 each
Intermediate      $60.00  each
____ Both
classes       $90.00
each               Total
inclosed : __________________
Mail form and check to Palomar Audubon Society,
P.0. Box 2483, Escondido, Ca.
92033-2483 by April 20th, 2018.

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Library Update: Library Outsourcing Opponents Announce New Actions

The most recent update from the Save Our Escondido Library Coalition.  Please sign their library petition!

Library coalition outlines to
continue campaign to restore Escondido Public Library to public control.

January 15, 2018, Escondido: On the day the Escondido city council
handed over the Escondido Public Library to an out-of-state corporation to
operate, library outsourcing opponents announced new initiatives geared to
restoring the Escondido Public Library to public hands and to help other
communities defeat
Library Services and Systems (LS&S)
from taking over other libraries.

we were disappointed that the judge failed to allow the temporary restraining order,
the lawsuit is still viable and we hope it will prevail,”
stated frequent
library user and Escondido resident
Victoria Tenbrink ,
“We take heart in the news from Santa
Clarita which just ousted LS&S from their library.  It is interesting that the Santa Clarita
Council estimates they will save almost $400,000 in doing so,”
 in reference to the news that the Santa
Clarita City Council unanimously
voted to end the LS&S contract last week.  Santa Clarita Votes Unanimously to
Take Back Library
Another recent news report found poor performance by LS&S led to their
ouster, a sad harbinger for Escondido’s library. 
As Escondido prepares to outsource, another
city drops firm.  
response to the transfer of the Escondido public library into private hands, the
Save Our Escondido Library (SOEL) coalition announced five actions in response
to the transfer of management from the public to a private corporation

: No Bond
without an Independent Library District. 
Building on the success of the
petition drive to oppose privatization of the library, which garnered over
4,000 signatures and mobilized residents, a new petition drive has been
The petition reads, We, the undersigned, are calling for the creation
of an independent library district that would remove all control of the library
from the Mayor and City Council. Further, we will oppose any library bond until
management of our library is returned to public control and a plan is in place
to re-open an East Valley branch library.”
Save our
Escondido Library Coalition is urging all residents of Escondido to sign this
Library District Petition

COMMUNITY LIBRARY MONITORING PROGRAM: SOEL announced a program of community library
monitors. These volunteers will visit the library regularly and evaluate the
operations of the library. Visits will be unannounced. 
  A particularly revealing exchange during the
October contract hearing at city hall was when city staff could not answer the
simplest question from Councilmember Olga Diaz about how complaints will be
handled.  It was clear to SOEL that the
city did not know how complaints would be addressed.  Slow response to problems was also cited in
the reasons LS&S was dropped from Santa Clarita. SOEL will also encourage
people to report any complaints to the city and to SOEL so that resolution
of them can be tracked. Complaints can be filed here Community
Library Complaint Form

WEBSITE—A Community Guide to Protecting your Library from Privatization.
 Sadly, the story of the hostile takeover of
the Escondido Public Library is not an isolated one.  SOEL fully believes that LS&S will use
the Escondido takeover as a launching pad to attempt to control other county
and state public libraries. This new website shares information SOEL has found
during our fight and makes it available for other communities who will be
forced to fight to keep LS&S from taking over their library.  “I wish
we would’ve had access to information in a website like this when we began our
struggle, so we hope it will help other communities.”
stated Escondido
resident Christine Nava.  The website can
be accessed here:  Stop Library Outsourcing: A Community Guide for Saving your Library

initiate an Escondido voter registration drive. “It is now obvious to everyone, Mayor Sam Abed and Councilmembers Ed
Gallo, John Masson, and Mike Morasco do not listen to the public and are not
worthy to care for our public services
, said Brenda Townsend, a long-time
Escondido resident.  Abed, Gallo, and
Masson are up for re-election in November, 2018.  SOEL is urging all eligible residents of
Escondido to
register to vote.
link) Voters can also check their status here.

While we are disappointed in failure of the TRO,” stated Laura Hunter, an organizer with Escondido
Indivisible, “
we are even
more energized, committed, and focused on Election Day, November 6, 2018 to
achieve a new mandate for change in Escondido.”
email  to be added to the Save Our
Escondido Library Coalition information list. 
You can also visit
Library Outsourcing
for more information.
About Save Our Escondido Library Coalition: The coalition was formed by local
Escondido community groups and local residents in response to the outsourcing
of the Escondido Public Library.   The Coalition now works to restore the library
to public control.

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Reminder why we need a Felicita Creek Cleanup Strategy

Urban runoff.  It’s real.  Today’s storm is just a reminder that storm water runoff is a large source of pollution.  If you were out today you saw the large amount of foamy pollution in Felicita Creek…and the poor egrets trying to feed out of it.
Escondido Neighbors United (ENU) has repeatedly asked for our creek to be prioritized for a comprehensive clean up strategy. So far, no success. These photos should make clear that this pollution is a problem and needs to be addressed. We will post more on this later.  These photos taken between 10:50 and 11:10 am, January 9th, 2018 at various points along the creek and in the park.  The white is soapy foam.


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Council Outsources Library: End 123 year tradition to make the Escondido Corporate Library

A very sad day for our city. 
Escondido City Council Breaks 123 Year Tradition of
Public Operation of Escondido Library, votes to Outsource Remaining Library
Council Votes to Export Tax Payer
Funds out of state to LS&S corporation, hedge-fund

Escondido City Hall: For the
second time, Mayor Sam Abed and the councilmen on the city council ignored the
unanimous recommendation of Library Trustees and a petition
from over 4,000 residents by voting to outsource the Escondido Public Library.
 Over 125 people
demonstrated outside of City Hall and attended the City Council meeting yesterday
afternoon in opposition to a proposed contract to outsource the city’s sole
remaining library to for-profit, venture-capital-owned library outsourcing
company, LS&S.  Dozens of citizens
spoke during the public comment period, citing concerns ranging from the length
of the contract to the lack of specific accountability measures. Nevertheless,
the City Council voted 4 to 1 in favor of signing the contract, with
Councilmember Olga Diaz being the sole dissenting vote.
stated, “We will mourn the loss of what we had forever”.
Morasco abandoned his earlier opposition position and rejoined the rest of the
Councilmen, locking the city into a 10-year contract with LS&S.
This is
the first library in San Diego County to fall to the LS&S corporation.
vote and the way it was promoted should be of concern to all residents of
Escondido.  Relevant documents were
hidden from the decision-makers, overwhelming evidence produced of problems at
other LS&S libraries was discounted, and the Council ignored their own
advisors, the Escondido Library Board of Trustees, in pursuing this path.
citizens voiced about the contract at the meeting included:
That allowing
LS&S to manage the library with public funds without transparency is not
supported by state law which states the Library Board of Trustees should manage
the library.
The 10-year
length of the contract. Originally the public was told this would be a 5-year
LS&S staffing
policies. One speaker read from comments of LS&S employees, who have
complained about low and stagnant wages, poor benefits, and low morale. Another
questioned how LS&S can make our library better using fewer, less qualified
staff than we have now.
Questions about
the accuracy of the calculation of the supposed financial savings.
Serious concerns
about problems with staff and finances that emerged in Jackson County, OR, once
LS&S (formerly LSSI) was bought out by a private equity firm.
Lack of
specificity in the contract. One speaker, who said he worked as a specialist in
contracting for 30 years, said he was alarmed by the lack of specific goals,
objectives, roles, responsibilities, and tasks in the contract, and ways to
measure if goals were met and tasks completed.
The failure of
the contract to include the usual indemnification of the city against legal
action and termination clauses that are clear and protective of the city’s
“Even if some City Councilmembers are not
opposed to the idea of outsourcing in general, this contract has so many
problems and questions, it is their duty to think carefully and make sure our
city isn’t being taken advantage of,” said Escondido resident Shelley Spisak. “It
doesn’t seem like they have done their due diligence as our elected
The flaws in the contract are significant. City
Attorney McGuinness struggled to answer the most basic operational questions
from Ms. Diaz such as how a complaint from a patron will be handled. The
contract also uses tax dollars to pay a purchasing fee to LS&S and caps
their expenses for energy to run the buildings. LS&S is also guaranteed a
3% increase each year of the contract, not to mention the considerable
corporate profits which have been 30% of tax payer funds paid elsewhere.
A letter from Ms. Cathy Shaw, a current Board member in Jackson County
Oregon, was rife with challenges her district was facing under LS&S, and warned
“Think long and hard about this decision. Once made, the lack of transparency
of the private equity firm will make a return to a community-held asset
difficult to recreate. And if a decision of this magnitude is forced upon an
unwilling and unreceptive community, the backlash may be swift and decisive.”
As one speaker testified in speaking against
the contract, “If you do support this, remember we all sit at the table of
“Having lived through this experience, this is
now about more than just saving the library, it is about saving Escondido from
this failed leadership,” stated Laura Hunter, an organizer with Escondido
Indivisible. “Our members will now look to the elections in 2018.”  
Litigation is also under consideration.  Any readers interested in donating to the
Library Defense Fund should email


About Save Our Escondido Library
The coalition was
formed by local Escondido community groups and residents in response to the
City of Escondido’s move to consider privatization of the Escondido Public
Library. The coalition seeks to educate themselves and the public and to
provide a conduit for Escondido residents to voice their concerns.

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