Category Archives: Uncategorized

Troubling Article in Voice of San Diego about Lilac Hills Developer and Report from PC Tour

This is a very troubling but fantastic article about the Lilac Hills Travesty.Lilac Hills Develop Tactics This project is the frontline of defense of the new County General Plan  We urge everyone to support the local communities efforts to preserves … Continue reading

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ENU Opposes Sewer Project that will trench in areas of Chatham Plume- City Hearing WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19 4:30 pm

Escondido Neighbors United filed a letter opposing the adoption of a mitigated declaration and of the sewer trenching project.  ENU Sewer MND Letter The Final MND up for adoption is here MND SW Sewer Replacement project In summary,  we believe this … Continue reading

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More Jewels of Escondido: Coastal Sewing and Vacuum Cleaners

The next nominee for our “Jewels of Escondido” series comes from one of our members.  Enjoy! Coastal Sewing and Vacuum Cleaners  are situated in downtown Escondido on Grand and Broadway. They have been in business for over 40 years. They sell really … Continue reading

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Oppose Lilac Hills Ranch at County Planning Commission tomorrow, Aug. 7th at 9 am

Our first opportunity to oppose this terrible project is tomorrow, Friday, August 7th.  Please check out this website for more information. Please help defend the General Plan and speak in Opposition to Lilac Hills Ranch at  the Planning Commission … Continue reading

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ENU Comments to DTSC on Draft Oak Creek Removal Plan- All letters due July 30,2015

Here is our comment letter ENU to DTSC July 27 2015 and some reports we refer to in the letter Kearney Foundation Soil Science Report and DTSC’s Arsenic Background Report.   Please review and make sure to offer any comments on this project if … Continue reading

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Learn about Rainwater Harvesting, Workshop August 8, 9-Noon

The Sky Mountain Permaculture Institute is holding a  Rainwater Harvesting Workshop on August 8th from 9- noon. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center show that strong-to-moderate El Niño conditions are present in the tropical Pacific. But it won’t end the drought in California. We … Continue reading

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REMINDER: Tonight is Public Meeting on the Oak Creek Cleanup Plan at CCAE

Just a reminder that from 4-7 pm tonight is an opportunity to discuss and ask questions about the Oak Creek Removal Plan Draft with Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).  It will be help at the Center for the Arts.

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Announcing our new series–the Jewels of Escondido. First up, the Wooden Spoon Restaurant

At our ENU meeting last night, we took some time to share all the things we love about our city. Escondido often is in the news in a negative way, but there are so many wonderful things about our city. … Continue reading

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DTSC Fact Sheet on Oak Creek Cleanup

Here is the DTSC Fact Sheet on Oak Creek and announcement of the DTSC Public Meeting on July 9th at the Center for the Arts from 4-7 pm.  Bring your questions as it seems like this is an open house format  and not … Continue reading

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Oak Creek Cleanup Plan released by DTSC. Public meeting July 9 at CCAE

The long-awaited DTSC Oak Creek Response Plan Draft has been released for public comment by the Department of Toxic Substances Control.  A Public Meeting has been set for JULY 9 from 4-7 at the California Center for the Arts Escondido, 340 N. … Continue reading

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