DTSC Fact Sheet on Oak Creek Cleanup

Here is the DTSC Fact Sheet on Oak Creek and announcement of the DTSC Public Meeting on July 9th at the Center for the Arts from 4-7 pm.  Bring your questions as it seems like this is an open house format  and not a meeting where they will take testimony.  This format is a difficult one for the public compared to a regular public meeting where people can learn from each other and hear others insights, perspectives, and questions.   A few questions we will be asking are:

1.  We will be asking DTSC to require developers to add a condition to notify the neighbors related to any problems with the air monitoring.  We have asked repeatedly that potentially impacted neighbors be notified
in the event of contaminant levels exceeding 75% of action level or other
exceedance.  We support that workers will
need to put on protective gear, but there is really no evidence that the
impacts will dissipate adequately to protect downwind neighbors.  We have asked the City and the developer
directly for this help.   Now we are
asking our state regulators to please help us in this

2. Was 1,4-dioxane monitored?  Where are the results?

3.  Where are the results of the 13 VOC constituents found at 5 feet below ground surface?  Can these be added in this document?  Why were more contaminants found at 5 feet than at 10 feet?   

4. Since there were VOCs found in the shallow zone in the development area, will DTSC request that these homes be remove or, at a minimum, a vapor barrier is installed for these sites?

5. Is the arsenic cleanup level of 12 mg/kg appropriately protective given that it appears to be the ‘high-end’ of background levels for Southern California and children will be living there and people will be gardening? 

6.  Which off-site facility are they taking the contaminated soil to?

7.  Is it usual to have three different technical consultants on a cleanup of this size and scope? 

Please take this opportunity to review the documents and attend the meeting.  This is an important issue for our areas.

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