Category Archives: Uncategorized

Help Save our LIbrary: Rally to Roll out the UnWelcome Matt for LS&S Saturday, Sept 16 at 10 am

LS&S corporation and equity owners to be focus of UN-welcoming activities Library supporters will converge in front of the Escondido Public Library on Saturday, September 16 at 10-11am in a rally to oppose outsourcing our library to Library Systems and … Continue reading

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Help us STOP outsourcing of our Escondido Library- There is still time

If you support our Library Mayor Abed, Gallo, Masson need to hear from you   Last week, Escondido Mayor Sam Abed and Councilmembers Ed Gallo and John Masson voted to move forward to outsource operations of the Escondido Public Library … Continue reading

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ENU letter to Mayor and Council to OPPOSE library outsourcing

Today, members of Escondido Neighbors United filed a letter to urge opposition to outsourcing our public library.   ENU comment letter to City Council on Library Outsourcing Everyone is encouraged to communicate your thoughts with the Escondido Mayor and Council on … Continue reading

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Library Trustees agree with public, Vote unanimously to oppose outsourcing our library

Sporting library heart badges, over 150 residents were on-hand as the Board of Library Trustees voted unanimously to oppose the outsourcing of the Escondido Library. Citing concerns about loss of transparency, accountability, volunteer support, and community cohesion speaker after speaker … Continue reading

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News Roundup: Library Privatization in the media

Here is some the breaking news about the effort to Privatize the Library.  Please weigh in with our elected officials and news outlets and share your position! Coast News Inland Logan Jenkins SDUT Times Advocate  SD Union Tribune San Diego … Continue reading

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ENU files comment letter on Chatham Cleanup monitoring report

Here is the comment letter we filed this week ENU Comments on Oct 2016 Monitoring report.  We will be looking forward to the responses of the agencies to ensure that additional action is taken to stop the pollution from day-lighting into … Continue reading

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Now is a good time to eat your flowers- Nasturtium jelly and vinegar!

Nasturtium flowers make a most beautiful garden, but, you can also eat them. We just learned that the most beautiful jelly is made from Nasturtiums Here are two recipes.  Nasturtium-jelly1  Nasturtium-jelly-recipe 2 Our Escondido Neighbors United taste testers agree, adding a … Continue reading

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What’s with the giant mosquitos everywhere??!! They are crane flies.

So we all have many very large mosquito-looking flies in our gardens right now.  No worries, you can relax, they are gentle, friendly, crane flies.  They do not bite and they help by pollinating.  Here’s what the County says about … Continue reading

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Felicita Weeders Liberating one Englemann at a time

We had a very good day freeing up the areas around established Englemann Oak trees chokes with weeds.  And, lo and behold, we found miners lettuce, monkey flowers, and other natives struggling to survive.  It was very satisfying!  Here’s a … Continue reading

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Weeders, Seeders, and Planters in Action at Felicita Park

The Weeders and Seeders were on the job today…weeding, cleaning, and planting three new oak trees!!  Join us on Tuesday mornings starting at 9 am!  Come on in, the weedings fine!

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