Draft South Centre City Area Plan out for Southern Escondido – Comment period open

Escondido is seeking input on a new draft South Centre City Area Plan .
Please take a look at this and provide your input.

Per the city website, the South Centre City planning area is located in an area that is described by the General Plan as a future growth area (also called Target Area).  The South Quince Street Target Area, South Escondido Boulevard Target Areas, and the Centre City Parkway Target Area are identified in the City’s General Plan (Target Areas C, D, E, and F).  These interconnected Target Areas comprise approximately 420 acres of Escondido’s more established and older sectors of the city and extends 2.25 miles along Centre City Parkway and Escondido Boulevard. 
The overall effort to create a South Centre Center Area Plan, called Envision South Centre City, will culminate into something that is called a “specific plan.”  A specific plan is a planning document that consists of new zoning standards and design guidelines for a specific area of the city.  Zoning standards define the allowable uses and bulk or scale of development, while design guidelines address the appearance and quality of development. 
City staff has been working with various residents, businesses, and community members over the past two (2) years to develop a draft specific plan to facilitate the development of residential, commercial, and industrial properties in response to the needs and wants of the community.  If approved, the new specific plan would effectively establish a link between implementing policies of the General Plan and the future, individual development proposals within the South Centre City planning area.  With a focus on the neighborhoods surrounding Quince Street, South Escondido Boulevard, and Centre City Parkway in southwest Escondido, the South Centre City Specific Plan would bring together detailed regulations into a focused development scheme to improve community health, safety, sustainability, and economic prosperity, while respecting the unique character of South Centre City and preserving the community values of southern gateway character. 

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