Category Archives: Uncategorized

ENU, Environmental Health Coalition, and San Diego Coastkeeper weigh in against Gregory Canyon Landfill

Escondido Neighbors United has filed the following letter ENU Opposition to Gregory Canyon Dump on the Gregory Canyon landfill issue.  Other leading environmental organizations have also filed multiple letters against this project. Environmental Health Coalition letter  and San Diego Coastkeeper letter. Both group have … Continue reading

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Jewels of Escondido: Visit Queen Calafia’s Magical Circle on Oct 10th

A most amazing sculpture garden is located in Kit Carson Park.  Queen Calafia’s Magical Circle is an art installation worthy of Paris or Florence.  But, we ar e so lucky that it is here is our community.  It is the … Continue reading

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Meet the San Pasqual Valley Preservation Alliance! Please Join and help them oppose Safari Highlands Ranch

Another day, another sprawl development, and another new community group arises to fight back!   Yes, yet another rural community in Escondido is under threat from encroaching sprawl development.  This time, it’s called Safari Highlands Ranch. Neighbors have once again … Continue reading

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LAFCO Ignores Community Concerns and Approves Oak Creek Housing Development

On October 5, 2015 LAFCO unanimously supported the annexation of the Homeland property into the city of Escondido.  This action will allow a high-density, walled development to be constructed on existing farmland and open space, adjacent to Felicita Park.  It … Continue reading

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ACTION ALERT: October 5th, 9 am LAFCO to decide Oak Creek Housing Development- PLEASE ATTEND

As reported earlier,  LAFCO to Decide Oak Creek this Monday, October 5, is the final decision related to the Oak Creek housing development at the corner of Hamilton and Felicita.  If you have concerns, which many of us do, please plan … Continue reading

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Another massive project threatens rural Escondido, Scoping Meeting October 5th at 6:00 pm

Speaking of keeping our areas rural, here is another huge and inappropriate project on the books.  This project, if built, will have devastating impacts to our back country areas. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING #2 Safari Highlands Ranch Monday, October … Continue reading

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ENU tries to stop City land grab, Impacts to Felicita Park, Hearing on Oct 5th

On October 5, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will determine the fate of the popular Felicita Park.  LAFCO is a little-known, state agency designed to provide assistance to local agencies in overseeing jurisdictional boundary changes.   We filed a … Continue reading

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State Clarifies Response to Escondido Neighbors United.

Please see the DTSC September 1, 2015 Clarification letter correcting the units on the OEHHA public health goals for 1, 4-dioxane.  We appreciate this correction. Here is the original letter DTSC Response to ENU July 13 2015. This correction is very important. Units … Continue reading

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News of worldwide deforestation severe: more reasons to oppose Oak Creek

Alarming news today.  The rate and amount of deforestation in the world has resulted in fewer trees on the planet than ever before in human history.  This is yet another reason we oppose cutting hundreds of mature trees on the … Continue reading

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Sprawling Safari Highlands Ranch back on the Agenda WEDNESDAY August 26th

Another disastrous project is before the Escondido City Council again. Pages 43-46 of the Agenda Packet AUGUST 26 is the staff report for this project. There are many reasons this project should be denied.  It is yet another assault on the … Continue reading

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