Jewels of Escondido: Visit Queen Calafia’s Magical Circle on Oct 10th

A most amazing sculpture garden is located in Kit Carson Park.  Queen Calafia’s Magical Circle is an art installation worthy of Paris or Florence.  But, we ar e so lucky that it is here is our community.  It is the last and only American installation of world-reknown artist Niki de Sainte Phalle.
The 12th “birthday” celebration of Queen Califia’s Magical Circle will take place on October 10, 2015, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Weather permitting,  this sculpture garden in Kit Carson Park (3333 Bear Valley Parkway) will be open to the public, with Queen Califia docents on site to answer questions. Free Mardi Gras beads will be given to the first 50 visitors. 

Learn more about the Queen here Queen Calafia’s Magical Circle

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