The Water Board issued its final response to the many comments they received on the Oak Creek Water Quality Permit. Unfortunately, the Board ignored requests to require mitigation in the Felicita/San Dieguito Watershed where the damage will be done. Instead, they will allow the San Luis Rey river to improve at the expense of Felicita Creek.
We appreciate our Supervisor Dave Roberts for weighing on this issue with the community. Supervisor Roberts Comments
The Board only made one change to the final permit. They did not respond to ENU requests for a public meeting
The permit is expected to be issued on April 20 or soon thereafter. Final Response to Comments on Oak Creek. Tentative Final Certification
Escondido Neighbors United does not support with this permit or its findings. We do not agree that avoidable impacts were avoided and that all reasonable measures were taken to protect the precious habitat in the area. In our view, this project represents a failure of our environmental laws to protect the environment and a failure of our process to mediate the best, or even an acceptable, outcome.
We have tried very hard to work within the system to improve this project.
We encourage everyone to stand up for your neighborhoods and quality of life. Please attend the workshop tonight on the development onslaught.
Escondido Neighbors United (ENU) made many significant contributions that led to elevated analysis on the Oaks project, and close coordination between agencies, (City, County, State). Although the project approval with minimal mitigation through redesign was a disappointing final outcome, technical comments and recommendations made by Escondido Neighbors United were extremely valuable. The 'process' was partially successful, because through public comments, Lead Agency (Escondido) was required to undertake more extensive public outreach, pubic review, and transparency than had formerly been typically applied when subdivisions in Escondido are processed. The Oaks Project, as designed and approved was not the 'best' subdivision design, and many still debate the findings made for approval of this project. The permit processing sequences, identification and analysis of issues provided a useful platform for neighbors, stakeholders to become more actively involved in decision making processes for discretionary permits in Escondido. Many thanks to ENU for providing informed comments, technical support, coordination with other outside agencies, and project oversight. Citzens learned alot, during permit process for The Oaks.