Mayor Abed and his on-going hostility toward environmental regulation is now getting regional attention. An excellent article in the San Diego Union Tribune last month outed the Mayor on his failure to comply with the important stormwater regulations. Abeds Parking Lots Skipped Rules.
Then, the Mayor was featured on the, often conservative, editorial page of the same newspaper Abed Compounds his Error documenting his response stating. The mayor’s response was to blast the water board as politically motivated partisans trying to drag him down. What evidence did he offer? None. His claim that Escondido has been singled out simply doesn’t hold up.
The Water Board is rightly calling Escondido on the carpet for their failure to enforce water quality regulations. Since the carrot didn’t work the Mayor and the majority of the city council, it is now high time for the stick.
We support strong action on the part of the Regional Water Board. This city is flagrantly irresponsible about their responsibilities to our precious natural resources.
Many Escondido stakeholders value environmental resources, which contribute greatly to quality of life. Common sense design features contained in updated storm water discharge regulations define best practices and integrates natural landscape features which reduces toxic discharges from asphalt parking lots, improves air quality, leads to significant cost savings and and controls expensive costs for cleanup, restoration when toxic runoff causes habitat degradation. Many think the Editorial in SD UT on this topic was on target.