Update #3: Even MORE attacks on the County’s new General Plan– 43 to be exact!

Here is another update from an ally. 

December 17th, the County of San Diego  held a scoping meeting regarding a
Notice of Preparation (NOP) to make General Plan Amendments (GPAs) for 43
Property Specific Requests (PSRs).  All 43 of these requests call for zoning
changes to increase density, mostly in rural North County San Diego.   In total,
these requests call for up to an additional 2,800 dwellings.  This meeting was
not Lilac Hills Ranch related, but there are several new requests regarding
property in Valley Center and Bonsall that are in the same vicinity.  It is of grave concern that after 13 years, $18 million dollars, and countless public meetings, developers  are attempting to subvert the General Plan.   It should be noted that the Board
of Supervisors directed the planning department to initiate these GPA/PSR
studies less than 1 year after the General Plan was adopted at an estimated
cost of at least an additional $1.5 million dollars to tax payers.  This lacks
transparency and begs some questions about a conflict of interest.

Here is a link to the scoping meeting and specific maps: http://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/pds/advance/PSR.html

The public comment period
ends February 4th.
Please write the County and let them know that the General Plan should not be monkeyed with.  There is plenty of growth allowed in the General Plan in the planned places.  They should not be increasing it elsewhere.

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