We hope that everyone today can stop and take a moment to appreciate our beautiful planet and all the support the Earth offers to us that makes our lives possible. It is a good day to step outside and be grateful for the clean air and water available to us and see that it is a precious and finite resources.
For Escondido Neighbors, our environmental protection issues continue. Here are a couple updates:
1. Update on Chatham Waste Site
On April 15, we presented an update to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Today we filed this letter ENU to DTSC April 22 2015. We have asked several questions of the regulators and hope to hear from them soon.
Many of you have seen the sampling trucks back in the neighborhood conducting the April sampling event for Chatham. We will be interested to see if wells deJong 2 and 34-E4 are sampled in this round or not. (For the regular October, 2014 event, the consultants reported that “property owners did not grant access to the Group for groundwater sampling in October 2014”) Although the data set is already compromised, we will hope these wells will be tested per the plan.
2. Update on City of Escondido stormwater violations.
The city staff has responded to the Notice of Violation issued by the Regional Board. You can read the response here Escondido Response to MS4 NOV, April 13 2015. We will have comments on this in the future.
For those of you interested in the stormwater permit, there will be some Stormwater Permit Public Workshops where the Regional Board will be seeking input. Please participate if you are interested.
3. Save the Monarch for Earth Day
Something we all can do in Escondido is make our yards Butterfly Friendly.
Learn about Monarch Butterfly and what can be done to help save this species.
USFWS Monarch information and the Monarch Watch
We can all do something to help preserve and protect our precious world!
Join Escondido Neighbors United in remembering –Every Day is Earth Day!