ENU Requests Revisions to Felicita Park Users Notice, Supports Clean Water Act Rule for ephemeral streams

Escondido Neighbors United filed two letters this week that you may be interested in.

1.  ENU Request for Revised Notice to Park Users  We requested a revision to the Notice to Park Users.   Escondido Neighbors
United requests that DTSC revise the Notice to Park Users to state that normal
exposure is anticipated to pose a low
or even a very small risk under
expected user patterns, instead of stating a categorical “no” risk under any
use conditions. 

Although the regulatory agencies are using the drinking water standards (ingestion risks) for the cleanup, there are also dermal and inhalation risks.

2.  ENU joined 56 environmental, environental justice, and community organizations to Clean Water Act Rule Comment letter  This is an important rule-making effort on the part of Federal EPA to ensure that headwaters, ephemeral, and intermittant streams are protected under the Clean Water Act.  We have these waterbodies in Escondido and they need protection.

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