Yesterday, Channel 10 ran a story on the posting of the Notice to Park Users in Felicita Park.
Channel 10 on signs in Felicita Creek We would like to thank Channel 10 for continuing to cover this story and in helping achieve this result. Escondido Neighbors United will continue our work to ensure that the public is aware of the issue. More importantly, we will continue our work to secure cleanup of the creek as our top priority.
We want to ensure that every kid who wants to play in the creek can do so.
It is the promise of the Clean Water Act.
It is our commitment too.
Without the recent TV/media exposure and community organization by Escondido Neighbors United (ENU) surrounding the pending"Oak Creek" project, I think it's likely that this 'local news' about contamination in Felicita Creek would never have become a feature story, on Channel 10, or any news media coverage.
Also, unless there was public pressure applied by ENU for follow-through, the recent signs posted by County of SD in Felicita Park probably wouldn't already have become a reality this soon, or possibly ever?
Thanks to Escondido Neighbors United (ENU) for facilitating meaningful public input with federal, state, and local public agencies to more fully protect high value natural resources in Escondido.
Without the benefit of having effective public oversight, it is not uncommon for agencies/consultants to overlook, or under-estimate habitat value of sensitive natural features such as on, and off-site riparian wetland(s) and/or contiguity of existing mature oak woodland areas surrounding Felicita Park. Patterns of habitat disturbance in unique semi-rural/urban fringe need to carefully recognized, and mitigated to avoid 'net loss', by reducing project impacts through project revision, wherever sensitive habitat loss is proposed.
Mitigation ratios to offset habitat loss in sensitive areas may be increased by permitting Agencies, when securing necessary permits after projects receive discretionary approval by Lead Agency, with local jurisdiction. The technical skills and special expertise by team members forming ENU are extremely important in Escondido.