We have important news! Olga Diaz, a candidate for Mayor of Escondido, has stated her support for important community goals. In a time when it is common to feel like elected officials don’t listen to the community- we are lucky in Escondido to have a representative like Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz. When we first approached her, she was willing to meet, discuss, ask questions. She took the time to listen to local folks, learned about the issues, and is supporting Escondido Neighbors United Goals for our Felicita area. Please see this flyer. Olga Diaz Support Community Goals
We are so lucky to have her in office! We will be even more lucky when she is elected MAYOR OF ESCONDIDO. Please support candidates like Olga Diaz who support the community. You can learn more about her at www.olgadiaz.com. If you have your absentee ballot–please fill it out and VOTE. If you don’t vote absentee, please remember to VOTE NOVEMBER 4th.
Elections matter.
Disclaimer: ENU is a fully volunteer, community-led group. We view education as a core aspect of our effort and have made every effort to provide accurate information for your review. Where possible, we also provide the source material so that you can read it for yourself. However, if you believe there are errors on the website, please let us know so that we can correct it. You can send your comments toinfo@escondidoneighbors.org