Here is a copy of the new Fact Sheet on the Chatham Barrel Yard received today from Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Chatham 2014 Fact Sheet.
While we appreciate that DTSC states that they are directing the PRP Group to “investigate potential contaminant migration pathways from the Yard to Felicita Creek in an effort to stop or decrease the release of site contaminants to the creek”, we will be calling on DTSC to direct them not only to ‘investigate pathways’, but to actually take action. We now know that TCE and other contaminants have been known and measured to be discharging into Felicita Creek since 1995. Twenty years is long enough to know that we need to do more!
Further, we are very disappointed that the Fact Sheet does not show the size or the migration of the off-site plumes. Most disappointing, it does not appear that DTSC is planning to direct any additional cleanup measures to actively clean up and stop migration of the contaminated plumes as they move through our neighborhoods.
Here is a graphic we developed based on the contour maps in the record that shows the size and migration of the 10 and 100 ppb contours. Change in Chatham related plumes 1997-2014.
It is important to remember that the level is supposed to be achieved through remediation is 5 ppb for TCE and 6 ppb for PCE. None of this contamination is supposed to be discharging into Felicita Creek.
We will have more comments on this but we wanted to make sure you all had this information. We urge everyone to look into this issue and attend the meeting on September 30!