IMPORTANT. Here is yesterday’s response from the Regional Water Board to DTSC about the recent submittal on Chatham. Water Board July 10 2014 Response Letter There is some important information in here that supports several of the comments made in our Escondido Neighbors United comment letter ENU Comment Letter on July 11, 2014 submittal.
Among many important comments, the Water Board recommends and affirms that:
- Contamination trends are increasing in downgradient wells;
- Site related constituents continue to discharge to Felicita Creek above water quality objectives;
- TCE is not the only site contaminant of concern and others should be plotted;
- Well owners with detected contamination must be notified quickly;
- DTSC should require more investigation and evaluate actions to stop the discharge into Felicita Creek;
- Discharges to the Creek are causing direct human and ecological exposure to site related constituents;
- Additional wells, including near the school, should be sampled;
- decades to centuries was not the agreed to timeframe for the remedy to work;
- Process of natural attenuation is not yet proved; and,
- The Chatham PRP Group continues to be in violation of discharge prohibitions of the Basin Plan.
PLEASE REVIEW if you are interested in this site! We remain very grateful to the Water Board’s involvement in this issue and for continuing to engage and stand up for water quality in our region!
A public meeting is expected SEPTEMBER 30, 2014. We will share more information when we receive it.