The City has tentatively planned a public meeting for Monday evening, September 22 in the Council Chambers. Everyone is urged to attend and put your comments on the record.
Please tell your friends and neighbors!!!!
Here is the text of the City Manager’s report from August 27, 2014
Oak Creek (NUW) – The public review period for the Draft EIR is underway, with comments due on 9/29/14. The document is posted on the City’s website at the following link
In response to requests from community members, a neighborhood meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Monday evening, 9/22/14, in the City Council Chambers to discuss the project and the findings of the Draft EIR.
Disclaimer: ENU is a fully volunteer, community-led group. We view education as a core aspect of our effort and have made every effort to provide accurate information for your review. Where possible, we also provide the source material so that you can read it for yourself. However, if you believe there are errors on the website, please let us know so that we can correct it. You can send your comments