Escondido Neighbors United – Community Update: July 2014

Dear Friend and Neighbor:

We are excited to bring you our first Escondido Neighbors United (ENU) Community

we are.  Escondido Neighbors United
is a group of residents, friends, and
park users living in and near Escondido. 
We love our area and we are concerned about area issues and decided to
work together to take action and solve problems.

are we trying to accomplish? 
have several priorities on which we are currently working:

  1. Cleanup
    of Chatham Brothers Barrel Yard, a
    State Superfund site that has contaminated the groundwater under Felicita Park
    and in Felicita Creek with industrial wastes.
  2. Clean
    up contamination, protect habitat and open space, and reduce development
    impacts from the proposed Homeland/OakCreek gated housing development.
  3. Improve
    public outreach and community
    involvement actions on the part of the Escondido City Council and San Diego
  4. Oppose
    City annexations if they negatively impact current county residents, water
    quality, or the environment, including Oak Creek and Safari Highlands Ranch.

is the current status of these projects?

  1. Chatham Barrel Yard  ENU has formally
    requested that the Five Year Remedy Review not be finalized or approved until a
    community meeting is held and additional actions required to remediate
    pollution in groundwater and in Felicita Creek. We are hoping there will be a community
    meeting in late July or August at Felicita Park. We will keep you posted.
  2. Homeland/Oak Creek Development  The City of Escondido is developing a draft
    Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 65-home development on the Homeland
    site. The state Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has directed a
    site assessment be completed to determine what contamination is on the site and
    whether or not it needs to be remediated. 
    There is pollution present from the groundwater plumes from the Chatham
    Barrel Yard and from previous decades of agricultural activity. ENU
    has requested the EIR be postponed until the DTSC has completed its review and
  3. Improve Public Participation.  ENU has written a letter to the City
    making recommendations for improving outreach and public involvement in City

can you learn more?   
the linked documents:

  1. Letter
    from the State Water Quality Board supporting our request for a community
    meeting about the Chatham Barrel Yard Waste Site. [link]
  2. Letter
    from Delano and Delano, ENUs legal
    representative requesting that the Oak Creek EIR process be postponed until
    health regulators have completed their assessment of contamination on the Oak
    Creek residential development site. [link]
  3. Take
    a look at the following data bases related to contamination in the area.
    1. Department
      of Toxic Substances Control records related to Chatham
    2. Regional
      Water Quality Control Board records related to Chatham

can you take action?

  1. Contact the Escondido Mayor and City
    and let them know you support delay of the Oak Creek
    Environmental Impact Report until all information is available for review by
    the public.  Let them know you do not
    want the City to annex contaminated land. 
    Call (760) 839-4880 or email:

Sam Abed,

Mayor Olga Diaz,

Ed Gallo,

Mike Morasco,

John Masson,

    2. Sign our petition and ask your
neighbors to sign it.
Help us connect with residents who share our goals and mission. [link]
Return the signed petitions to

    3. Stay in touch. Let
us know what you think and how you would like to help.  Please email   

Information/resources/events to know about.

  1. Help Improve Water Quality in the San Dieguito River Watershed
    Thursday, July 24th. 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
    City of Poway Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064
    Let the City and County know that you support a strong Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) that will improve water quality and require action to clean up the Chatham contamination in Felicita Creek.
  2. Join the blog Escondido 2014. A daily blog that will give you helpful information about what is happening in our city. Sign up at
  3. Read Escondido Alliance/Allianza Escondido. A new monthly newspaper that is free and discusses many Escondido issues.

Visit Our website:

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