North County Habitat Plan finally underway.

One of the most important actions to protect wildlife and the habitats upon which they depend is moving forward. After years of delay, there is now progress on the North County Multiple Species Conservation Plan. (NC-MSCP)

The NC-MSCP is a voluntary agreement and plan between the County of San Diego and the State and Federal Natural Resource Agencies. Its purpose is to provide assurances and streamline development projects in certain areas while ensuring that wildlife and habitat are effectively protected, monitored, and managed in reserves that will allow them to thrive into the future. There are already several MSCPs (some are Multiple Habitats Conservation Plans or MHCP) underway or adopted in the County.

The creation, adoption, and implementation of an effective and robust NC-MSCP is a high priority for Escondido Neighbors United and most conservation organizations in the region.

Here is where you can learn more about the plan. San Diego County North County MSCP

If you are interested in this project, you can sign up on the County website for Conservation Updates. Here are two comment letters filed recently from various organizations.

Endnagered Habitats League comment letter

Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Coalition comment letter

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