Volunteer with Produce Good and pick excess fruit in our area on Feb 1

We received the following request for volunteers. Check it out!

My name is Dominique Dashwood and I am an AmeriCorps fellow working with the non-profit, ProduceGood. I saw on your website that Escondido Neighbors United is committed to improving the Escondido community for residents. This is why I am reaching out to you with a great opportunity to alleviate hunger and conserve the environment in your city.
We are currently looking for volunteers for an event on Saturday, February 1st at an orchard in Escondido (the exact location will be released upon sign up ). People of all ages can participate outside with the butterflies and bees, picking citrus by hand or with a picker pole. By actively picking healthy produce for San Diego’s food insecure and preventing this excess fruit from going to waste, your efforts will benefit the people and environment in your community. Additionally, taking part in the event allows volunteers to experience firsthand the tactical aspect of food recovery principles and become ambassadors of sustainable food systems. Here is a video from one of our events so you can get a better idea of the volunteer roles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_xqSVuyPso&t=19s
I would greatly appreciate if you could pass along this information to members of your organization. The events are well-enjoyed by groups of volunteers. If you are interested in joining our efforts, please reach out to me (my information is provided below) and you may sign up directly on our website https://producegood.volunteerhub.com/event/index/11320973. Please note you must register and sign a waiver to join us. Once you sign up as a volunteer you can register for other available events in our calendar as well. Sharing has never been sweeter!
Thank you, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I hope to see you out there!

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