Everyone in Escondido has an opportunity to help the Escondido City Council shape the vision and set priorities for the 2019-2020 Council Action Plan.
The City Council Action Plan represents the City Council’s collective vision for Escondido’s future and the key activities that will be used to achieve that vision. It is developed biennially following a workshop where key policy interests are identified and discussed by the City Council and City Staff.
Fill out this form to let us know your thoughts! File comments here.
Or contact your Councilmember by clicking here.
This is a great opportunity to let the City Council know what you think. Please let them know what their are doing that you like and other things you hope they will work on or prioritize/ or move off the list.
Escondido Neighbors United will be asking for the city to add the following to the priority list:
1. Support local community efforts to secure more cleanup action on the Chatham Barrel Yard plume.
2. Revisit the Oak Creek development stormwater retention infrastructure in light of climate change and expected and extreme flooding events.
3. To support the adoption of a North County Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP) to protect sensitive species in our area.