Category Archives: Uncategorized

Welcome new community group SAVE OUR SD COUNTRYSIDE. Please support them.

It’s baaack…Lilac Hills, defeated once and completely inconsistent with the County’s new General Plan, is back on the table.   Apparently, Newton’s Third Law guides us in organizing too–for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  As more … Continue reading

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Public Comments due on local clean water plans including Felicita Creek, Lake Hodges, and Escondido Creek. DUE JULY 31

We received the following message from the Regional Water Board.  The Water Quality Improvement Plans, or WQIPs, are very important documents that will guide efforts for water quality for the next 5-10 years in the future.  One of our members … Continue reading

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An Important public service message from Mr. King Snake

As you know, we here at Escondido Neighbors United appreciate our native snakes!  Here’s a must listen PSA from an important neighbor.  Please listen. Who knew Mr. King Snake sounds like a southern Grandma.   Plus a photo of a … Continue reading

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Spiritual and Political Leadership on Climate Action Emerging- Encourage Mayor Abed to join 26 Mayors in Climate Action!

For those of us who believe we need to be taking action to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, this has been a good week. First, Pope Francis issued Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home Pope Francis’s Teaching … Continue reading

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Newly released US EPA Environmental Justice Maps show high impact in some Escondido neighborhoods

Following closely after the State EJ Screen maps, the US Environmental Protection Agency released their mapping of the most impacted communities in the country from a pollution burden perspective.  The LA Times reported today Los Angeles Times EJ article Southern California … Continue reading

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LAFCO prelim staff report out on Oak Creek

The LAFCO Preliminary Staff report on Oak Creek has been issued.  Escondido Neighbors United has already registered our concerns about this in our April 2, 2015 ENU To LAFCO comment letter. The staff report does report on several of the issues that we are … Continue reading

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Cal Public Utilities Commission to meet in Escondido– A chance to weigh in on SDGE rates and policies JUNE 1

For those of you interested in SDGE rates and policies, here is a chance  to speak directly to the California Public Utilities Commission, the state agencies that controls many aspects of our public utilities.  Note that the June 1 hearing … Continue reading

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DTSC Oak Creek Community Profile Published: Comment period on Cleanup Plan to follow

Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has released their document about the community around the Oak Creek site. DTSC Oak Creek Community Profile  Many of you may remember receiving a survey in March.  There were 58 logged responses even though the … Continue reading

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DTSC Responds to ENU February letter

Here is DTSC’s response DTSC to ENU response to Feb letter  to our comment letter filed in February included in the ENU Blog Post Feb 16 2015.  The timing is a little confusing as we received it just hours after we … Continue reading

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Please Save Snakes–call Tom’s Snakes and Rattlesnake Rescue 619-933-1213

This time of year snakes and reptiles are coming out of hibernation.  If you see a snake you don’t want around, we found a great service for any one who may need it.  Also, please find information below on how … Continue reading

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