Welcome new community group SAVE OUR SD COUNTRYSIDE. Please support them.

It’s baaack…Lilac Hills, defeated once and completely inconsistent with the County’s new General Plan, is back on the table.   Apparently, Newton’s Third Law guides us in organizing too–for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  As more unreasonable sprawl development is proposed, more people for organizations to respond.   Today the San Diego Union Tribune reported on the  New Opposition to backcountry development formed announced the creation of  our region’s newest community group  

SAVE OUR SD COUNTRYSIDE  http://saveoursdcountryside.org/  
Maybe we need a Newton’s Third Law of Community response–for every unreasonable sprawl development proposed, an equal and powerful community response is created! 
Their action item is here.  Please support them.

Protect quality of life in San Diego County. Tell the Planning Commission to deny General Plan Amendments that urbanize working rural lands, starting with Lilac Hills Ranch.

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