We received the following message from the Regional Water Board. The Water Quality Improvement Plans, or WQIPs, are very important documents that will guide efforts for water quality for the next 5-10 years in the future. One of our members serves on the San Dieguito WQIP Consultation Committee and filed these comments on an earlier draft. WQIP comment letter Jan 2015 if you would like the see the kinds of issues that have been raised.
If you care about water quality in our region, please review and comment to the Regional Water Board. You can comment on any of the WQIPs you care about.
Here is the message:
Dear Municipal Storm Water Permit Interested Persons:
The San Diego County Municipal Storm Water Copermittees have completed their Water Quality Improvement Plans for the following Watershed Management Areas: Carlsbad; Los Penasquitos; Mission Bay; San Diego Bay; San Diego River; San Dieguito River; San Luis Rey River; and Tijuana River.
You are invited to review and submit written comments on
these deliverables by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 31, 2015.
these deliverables by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 31, 2015.
Documents can be downloaded from the San Diego Water Board’s
The documents can also be accessed from the Project Clean
Water Website under the “Watersheds” tab:
Water Website under the “Watersheds” tab:
Written comments should be addressed to the following San
Diego Water Board staff:
Diego Water Board staff:
Carlsbad – Christina Arias
Los Penasquitos – Christina Arias
Mission Bay – Wayne Chiu
San Diego Bay – Wayne Chiu
San Diego River – Christina Arias
San Dieguito River – Christina Arias
San Luis Rey – Wayne Chiu
Tijuana River – Wayne Chiu
Thank you and please contact me with any questions.
Arias, PE
Arias, PE
Water Resource Control Engineer
San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
Tel. (619) 521-3361
2375 Northside Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108