Category Archives: Uncategorized

Felicita Park NOTICE TO PARK VISITORS released by DTSC- ENU recommendations

In response to Escondido Neighbors United and community requests, Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) released a Notice to Park Visitor on their website regarding the contamination in Felicita Creek. See notice here: NOTICE TO FELICITA PARK VISITORS We are happy … Continue reading

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Escondido Alliance/ Alianza Escondido NEW EDITION Features election and Felicita Creek

Our monthly Escondido local newspaper has released its Election Edition.  Please take a look.  You’ll also find an article on our own Felicita Creek– A Creek Worthy of our Affection–and Protection! Check it out! Escondido Alliance Latest Edition

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Just in Time for Halloween– NATIONAL FOOD DAY– October 24th

Something just for fun…and for health.  You might be interested in National Food Day which is celebrated around the country on October 24th.  Learn more here. National Food Day Website.  Food Day has an amazing collection of political and organizational support … Continue reading

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Vote NO on PROP G-Escondido Charter proposal on November 4th

Escondido Neighbors United urges Escondido voters to VOTE NO ON PROP G- The Escondido Charter City proposition.  Not all Charters are all bad, but this proposal is not in the interest of the people of Escondido.  Here is a good … Continue reading

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Deputy Mayor Olga Diaz Supports Community Goals of Civic Engagement and Environmental Safety

We have important news!  Olga Diaz, a candidate for Mayor of Escondido, has stated her support for important community goals.  In a time when it is common to feel like elected officials don’t listen to the community- we are lucky … Continue reading

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Escondido Neighbors Follow up Letter to DTSC

Here is our letter following up to DTSC.ENU to DTSC Oct 2  We will keep you posted. Have a great weekend!

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Letter from Supervisor Dave Roberts

Here is a letter on the Chatham site from Supervisor Dave Roberts who is providing thoughtful leadership on the important issue. Letter from Supervisor Dave Roberts dated Sept. 29th, 2014. This is a complex site and there is room for many perspectives. … Continue reading

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Watch this Fox5 Story on Chatham

We’re catching up after a busy, busy time…here is another great story on the Chatham issue–this one my Fox Channel 5.  See here Fox5 Story on Chatham Check it out!  Thanks Channel 5!

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REMINDER Public Meeting TONIGHT on Chatham Barrel Yard Cleanup 6:30pm at the Center for the Arts Escondido

Please attend and help us cleanup our Park and Neighborhood! It’s Time for More Action on Chatham  Residents to Request New Strategy for Cleaning up State Superfund Site at Tuesday Meeting in Escondido The meeting will be held, Tuesday, September 30, … Continue reading

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Watch CHANNEL 10 NEWS Report on Chatham Barrel Yard Contamination

Watch this fantastic in-depth reporting on the Chatham Site.  10news Investigates Toxic Chemicals in Creek, Park, Wells  Please join Escondido Neighbors United at the Public meeting tomorrow, Sept. 30 at 6:30 pm at the Center for the Arts Escondido.  We … Continue reading

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