Category Archives: Uncategorized

Action Alert Please Attend Public Meeting on Oak Creek Housing Development Sept 22 6 pm

Here is an action alert about the September 22 6 pm Public Meeting on the DEIR for Oak Creek. We hope you will attend.  Please come and share your questions and views.  We appreciate the city providing this opportunity. Escondido … Continue reading

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County Upgrades Felicita Park, ENU repeats call for Creek Cleanup

We all know that Felicita Park is a jewel in the North County.  The County agrees and celebrated significant upgrades to is for wedding and playground use in an event yesterday.  This video, featuring our own Kate Orf, tells about … Continue reading

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Public Meeting announced on Oak Creek Draft Environmental Impact Report Sept. 22

The City has tentatively planned a public meeting for Monday evening, September 22 in the Council Chambers.  Everyone is urged to attend and put your comments on the record. Please tell your friends and neighbors!!!! Here is the text of … Continue reading

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Support Compassion in Escondido-Support the ACLU appeal on housing children in need

The San Diego ACLU has appealed the Escondido Planning Commission denial of a Conditional Use permit to house unaccompanied immigrant children.  The City Council is expected to hear this on Sept 10th.   Please look into this issue and send … Continue reading

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City Manager Letter in response to ENU public participation recommendations

Our thanks to City Manager Clay Phillips for responding to the ENU letter of  recommendations for improving public participation in Escondido.  You can see his letter here City Manager Letter to ENU August 11. It is good news to hear that … Continue reading

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ENU comments to DTSC on Work Plan to investigate contamination on Oak Creek development site

We filed a comment letter today requesting clarifications, improvements, and additional agency review on the Homeland/Oak Creek Site Assessment by DTSC.  This is a very important regulatory oversight action that is directing the sampling and analysis of the contamination on … Continue reading

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Supervisor Roberts Visits Quiet Hills Farm Little Free LIbrary

Our Supervisor, Dave Roberts joined Mia and Carla at the Quiet Hills Farm Little Free Library for a visit last week.  If you’d like to build a Little Free Library, you can do it too!!! There is room for more … Continue reading

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PSA: Boil water notice for Rincon water district

Date: August 15, 2014 BOIL WATER NOTICE Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable. Tradúzcalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien. BOIL YOUR WATER BEFORE USING   Routine Sampling in Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District’s … Continue reading

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Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) released for the Oak Creek Housing Development.

The draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been released for the Oak Creek Housing Development on Felicita Road. The 45-day comment period begin s on August 15, 2014 and all comments are due on September 29, 2014.   You can … Continue reading

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Final Site Assessment Workplan for Oak Creek Development site released by DTSC

The revised and final workplan for the Homeland/Oak Creek site has been released today and posted to the DTSC website on ENVIROSTOR.  This will guide the testing of the site for contamination and to determine if additional remedial action is … Continue reading

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