Oak Creek Cleanup Plan released by DTSC. Public meeting July 9 at CCAE

The long-awaited DTSC Oak Creek Response Plan Draft has been released for public comment by the Department of Toxic Substances Control.  A Public Meeting has been set for JULY 9 from 4-7 at the California Center for the Arts Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd.

This purpose of this document is ‘to set forth in detail the Removal Action (RA) plan to address soil at the Site that is impacted with arsenic and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)”.   This is the plan that, once accomplished, DTSC will sign off on the site for the proposed use (housing).

ENU has consistently objected to this process.  The information in this document should have been disclosed as part of the environmental review process.  The evidence shows that other sources and constituents are present under the site.  We will be commenting and recommending additional actions to reduce any potential for human or ecological health risks at the site.  In addition, we have requested numerous times that a mitigation measure be added so that, in the event of any exceedences in dust or contamination off-site, impacted neighbors would be informed.  We do not see that that reasonable request has been honored yet.

We have note reviewed the entire document yet but will be commenting on this issue and urge others who are interested to do the same.  Please attend the Public Meeting on July 9th to learn more.

All comments should be addressed to:

Ms. Poonam Acharya
Remedial Program Manager
Department of Toxic Substances Control
5796 Corporate Avenue
Cypress, CA 90603
Or you can email at

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Welcome new community group SAVE OUR SD COUNTRYSIDE. Please support them.

It’s baaack…Lilac Hills, defeated once and completely inconsistent with the County’s new General Plan, is back on the table.   Apparently, Newton’s Third Law guides us in organizing too–for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  As more unreasonable sprawl development is proposed, more people for organizations to respond.   Today the San Diego Union Tribune reported on the  New Opposition to backcountry development formed announced the creation of  our region’s newest community group  

SAVE OUR SD COUNTRYSIDE  http://saveoursdcountryside.org/  
Maybe we need a Newton’s Third Law of Community response–for every unreasonable sprawl development proposed, an equal and powerful community response is created! 
Their action item is here.  Please support them.

Protect quality of life in San Diego County. Tell the Planning Commission to deny General Plan Amendments that urbanize working rural lands, starting with Lilac Hills Ranch.

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Public Comments due on local clean water plans including Felicita Creek, Lake Hodges, and Escondido Creek. DUE JULY 31

We received the following message from the Regional Water Board.  The Water Quality Improvement Plans, or WQIPs, are very important documents that will guide efforts for water quality for the next 5-10 years in the future.  One of our members serves on the San Dieguito WQIP Consultation Committee and filed these comments on an earlier draft. WQIP comment letter Jan 2015 if you would like the see the kinds of issues that have been raised. 
If you care about water quality in our region, please review and comment to the Regional Water Board.  You can comment on any of the WQIPs you care about. 
Here is the message: 
Dear Municipal Storm Water Permit Interested Persons:
The San Diego County Municipal Storm Water Copermittees have completed their Water Quality Improvement Plans for the following Watershed Management Areas: Carlsbad; Los Penasquitos; Mission Bay; San Diego Bay; San Diego River; San Dieguito River; San Luis Rey River; and Tijuana River.
You are invited to review and submit written comments on
these deliverables by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 31, 2015.
Documents can be downloaded from the San Diego Water Board’s
The documents can also be accessed from the Project Clean
Water Website under the “Watersheds” tab:
Please send all written comments electronically to this
email address: SanDiego@waterboards.ca.gov
Written comments should be addressed to the following San
Diego Water Board staff:
Carlsbad – Christina Arias
Los Penasquitos – Christina Arias
Mission Bay – Wayne Chiu
San Diego Bay – Wayne Chiu
San Diego River – Christina Arias
San Dieguito River – Christina Arias
San Luis Rey – Wayne Chiu
Tijuana River – Wayne Chiu
Thank you and please contact me with any questions.
Arias, PE
Water Resource Control Engineer
San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
Tel. (619) 521-3361
2375 Northside Drive, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92108

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An Important public service message from Mr. King Snake

As you know, we here at Escondido Neighbors United appreciate our native snakes!  Here’s a must listen PSA from an important neighbor.  Please listen.

Who knew Mr. King Snake sounds like a southern Grandma.  
Plus a photo of a one of our local King snakes just so you know.
IN SD County they can haves bands 
 or Stripes..Image result for king snake san diego
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Spiritual and Political Leadership on Climate Action Emerging- Encourage Mayor Abed to join 26 Mayors in Climate Action!

For those of us who believe we need to be taking action to prevent the worst impacts of climate change, this has been a good week.
First, Pope Francis issued Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home Pope Francis’s Teaching on Climate Change,  Pope Francis has written the first papal encyclical focused solely on the environment, attempting to reframe care of the earth as a moral and spiritual concern, and not just a matter of politics, science and economics. In the document, “Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home,” he argues that the environment is in crisis – cities to oceans, forests to farmland. He emphasizes that the poor are most affected by damage from what he describes as economic systems that favor the wealthy, and political systems that lack the courage to look beyond short-term rewards. But the encyclical is addressed to everyone on the planet. Its 184 pages are an urgent, accessible call to action, making a case that all is interconnected, including the solutions to the grave environmental crisis.

Next, led by the Mayor of Houston, a nationwide group of Mayors weighed in.
Mayors’ Letter to Obama on Climate Change

Important leadership on climate action continues to come from the local level.
This press release contains a letter by mayors of 26 cities to Pres. Obama. As
the letter mentions, many of these cities are already on the road to positive
action.   Please write Mayor Sam Abed letter of encouragement. and ask him to join this group of leaders!  
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Newly released US EPA Environmental Justice Maps show high impact in some Escondido neighborhoods

Following closely after the State EJ Screen maps, the US Environmental Protection Agency released their mapping of the most impacted communities in the country from a pollution burden perspective.  The LA Times reported today Los Angeles Times EJ article
Southern California doesn’t fare well and, sadly, some Escondido areas show up in the highest percentiles for many of the hazards.  You can take a look here. Federal EJ Screen
Our local areas with the worst indicators seem to line up, again, in areas in District 1.  There is funding from the state to address these hardest hit neighborhoods.  We have asked the Mayor and Council to pursue funding for projects to improve these impacted neighborhoods.  We hope the city will work with community groups to develop a plan that can help alleviate some of these health and pollution burdens.

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LAFCO prelim staff report out on Oak Creek

The LAFCO Preliminary Staff report on Oak Creek has been issued.  Escondido Neighbors United has already registered our concerns about this in our April 2, 2015 ENU To LAFCO comment letter. The staff report does report on several of the issues that we are concerned but appears to support the annexation or ‘reorganization’.
In this time of drought, it seems meaningful that the new project will create a huge new water demand of at least 33,150 gallons a day in a time when Rincon del Diablo has been given a requirement to reduce water use by 32%.  A recent article in the San Diego Union Tribune showed that Rincon had only reduce by 12%.  We continue to ask the question, how will we meet water conservation reductions if agencies continue to permit new homes, especially in current open space areas.  
LAFCO also increased the annexation area to include more of Hamilton road, but does not remedy the two significant de-facto jurisdictional islands that this project creates.
More later but we wanted to be sure you had access to this report.
The LAFCO hearing date has not yet been set but their meetings are the first Monday of the month.

Escondido Neighbors United is opposed to this reorganization and will communicate our opposition to LAFCO.  

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Cal Public Utilities Commission to meet in Escondido– A chance to weigh in on SDGE rates and policies JUNE 1

For those of you interested in SDGE rates and policies, here is a chance  to speak directly to the California Public Utilities Commission, the state agencies that controls many aspects of our public utilities.  Note that the June 1 hearing is at the Center for the Arts.  UCAN has long been a consumer advocate around SDGE issues.



WHY: Your
input is important to the Commissioners and the Administrative Law Judges
because it is their job to serve the citizens of California making sure
SDG&E charges just and reasonable rates.

SDG&E is asking for
1.911 BILLION dollars to fund their operations.  As SDG&E’s own
application says: “If approved, this revenue requirement would be an increase
of $133 million over the estimated 2015 revenue requirement, or a 7% increase.”

SDG&E’s application
also notes that when the impact of commodity costs and regulatory account
balances are included then even with the CPUC approving the extra $133 million
dollars in revenue requirement from 2015 to 2016 that customers would see a
monthly bill savings of .25 cents for electricity and .32 cents for gas.

thinks the rates SDG&E charges are too high, and that SDG&E customers
could use more relief than just .25 for electricity and .32 cents for gas. UCAN
believes that SDG&E should get less so that ratepayers save more.

The Commission needs to
hear from SDG&E customers about how customers feel about the service they
get from SDG&E and what they think of SDG&E’s rates for electricity.

Even if you don’t have a
specific issue or question, just showing up lets the Commission and the Utility
know we are watching!



1, 2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.

California Center for the
Arts, Conference Center, Salon 1 Room,
 340 North Escondido
Blvd., Escondido, CA 92025

June 2,
2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Oceanside Public Library,
Civic Center Library Community Room,
 330 North Coast
Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054

June 3,
2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.

El Cajon City Council
 200 Civic Center Way,
El Cajon, CA 92020

June 10,
2015, 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Scottish Rite Event
Center, Square & Compass Rooms,
 1895 Camino Del Rio
South, San Diego, CA 92108

General Rate Case (GRC) is the major regulatory proceeding for
California utilities, which provides the CPUC an opportunity to perform an
exhaustive examination of a utility’s operations and costs. Typically performed
every three years, the GRC allows the CPUC to conduct a broad and
detailed review of a utility’s revenues, expenses, and investments in plant and
equipment to establish an approved revenue requirement.”
The GRC is kicked off by an “application” from the Utility to the
CPUC detailing their plans, associated costs (or savings sometimes) and
resulting rate changes for which they seek approval.
Many things in the application are based on projections and forecasts from the
Utility.  As anyone knows, the forecasts are only as good as the data
inputted and UCAN has serious issues with some of the forecasts used by
the GRC UCAN and other consumer groups are going to be at the CPUC hearings
challenging SDG&E’s experts.  It would really help us if  the
Administrative Law Judges heard from SDG&E customers directly. 

ALERT *****

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DTSC Oak Creek Community Profile Published: Comment period on Cleanup Plan to follow

Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has released their document about the community around the Oak Creek site. DTSC Oak Creek Community Profile 
Many of you may remember receiving a survey in March.  There were 58 logged responses even though the turn-around time was short.  There were many detailed concerns about the project provided to DTSC (see page 9-10 of the document). We remain disappointed that off-site neighbors will still not be notified if there is a contaminant concentration in the airborne dust at elevated levels. If the levels exceed 75% of the action levels, then workers will use personal protective equipment and then dust control measures will be used.  However, we have asked that neighbors be notified so they can take whatever measure they deem  necessary to protect themselves.  This remains unaddressed. DTSC has proposed a land use covenant that will not allow the use of groundwater under the site for any reason due to the presence of Chatham contamination. (P.6).  Fifty-three respondents had a high or moderate level of interest in the site and 41 said they would attend a meeting on the issue.  Most people (55) had heard about the site and the highest point of contact was ‘Neighbors’!!!!  YAY for neighborhood organizing. 🙂
The next steps will be as follows: DTSC will issue the cleanup plan for a 30-day comment period, issue a Fact Sheet, officially notice the comment period in the paper, and hold a community meeting.
We thank DTSC for including the community in their actions and we look forward to the opportunity to review and comment on the clean up plan.
Stay tuned.

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DTSC Responds to ENU February letter

Here is DTSC’s response DTSC to ENU response to Feb letter  to our comment letter filed in February included in the ENU Blog Post Feb 16 2015.  The timing is a little confusing as we received it just hours after we sent our most recent April 22, 2015 letter.  We hope in the future, DTSC can let us know if and when they will respond to issues so we can have more seamless coordination.
At any rate, based on this response, it appears some of our comments and concerns were not well understood  and some of the responses are disappointing.
We are especially frustrated that the September, 2014 promise to take additional action if the contamination went south of Via Rancho is, now, not being pursued.  We will have more to say in the future about this.
And, just to reiterate, ENU did not make up the claim that sampling was not allowed to two wells on the Oak Creek site, we merely quoted the PRP Group’s report that states ‘…property owners did not grant access..‘ (p. 6) and the results Table 5 which lists (No Access) as the status for the three wells on the Oak Creek site.  DTSC’s letter seems to miss one of our points that there is a regular plan for assessing the contamination and two of these wells were part of it and should have been sampled in October! Even if it is worked out for the April sampling, the data set is compromised.  This seems particularly important given all the comments about the ‘pulsing’ of the contamination elsewhere in DTSC’s response.

We will have more comments once our most recent letter and questions have been responded to but we wanted to be sure anyone interested had a chance to see this letter.

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