The long-awaited DTSC Oak Creek Response Plan Draft has been released for public comment by the Department of Toxic Substances Control. A Public Meeting has been set for JULY 9 from 4-7 at the California Center for the Arts Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd.
This purpose of this document is ‘to set forth in detail the Removal Action (RA) plan to address soil at the Site that is impacted with arsenic and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)”. This is the plan that, once accomplished, DTSC will sign off on the site for the proposed use (housing).
ENU has consistently objected to this process. The information in this document should have been disclosed as part of the environmental review process. The evidence shows that other sources and constituents are present under the site. We will be commenting and recommending additional actions to reduce any potential for human or ecological health risks at the site. In addition, we have requested numerous times that a mitigation measure be added so that, in the event of any exceedences in dust or contamination off-site, impacted neighbors would be informed. We do not see that that reasonable request has been honored yet.
We have note reviewed the entire document yet but will be commenting on this issue and urge others who are interested to do the same. Please attend the Public Meeting on July 9th to learn more.
All comments should be addressed to:
Ms. Poonam Acharya
Remedial Program Manager
Department of Toxic Substances Control
5796 Corporate Avenue
Cypress, CA 90603
Or you can email at